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It has become increasingly hard to disable certain compiler options in recent versions of Visual Studio such as 2010. In case you haven't noticed in project properties under C/C++ General section option Debug Information Format you can only select between C7 Compatible (/Z7), Program Database (/Zi) and Program Database for Edit and Continue (/ZI) — there is no Disabled option in the drop list.

That is a WTF in itself for which Microsoft developers said "we are looking to fix this in future release", but fortunately there is a way around it:

  • Open project properties
  • Change Configuration to Release
  • Change Platform to All Platforms
  • Change Debug Information Format to C7 Compatible (/Z7)
  • Save all and close Visual Studio
  • Open .vcxproj file in your favorite text editor
  • Find all instances of <DebugInformationFormat>OldStyle</DebugInformationFormat> and replace them with <DebugInformationFormat></DebugInformationFormat>

That's it. You can now build your project in release mode without debug information as it was supposed to be built in the first place.