Some website fixes
Published on 2009/03/04 by Igor Levicki
I am sure that you have already noticed the front page, and the black background.
Those with a sharp eye for details may have noticed even more changes:
- XHTML compliance logo is gone
- Title rendering improved
- Paragraph vertical spacing fixed
- Underlining of hyperlinked images fixed
- Download counter
- Article date
It really doesn't matter as long as the content is well formed and as long as it renders as I have intended.
Now the titles can be rendered against any background color, they now display a tooltip in all browsers, and serve as an article permalink at the same time.
Paragraphs now have the same amount of vertical spacing in all browsers.
That was a very annoying issue. I was hoping that Mozilla will change the rendering back to normal, but I see that they insist on pissing off web developers by interpreting the web standards in the most brain-dead way possible.
You can now see how many times each file has been downloaded.
You can now see the publishing date of each article, as well as when their content was last updated. It is displayed right under the article heading.
Of course, there is more in the pipeline — I still have to update the photo gallery to use XML and Flash for easier navigation, and to transfer all the photos to my website instead of using the Photobucket, but that will have to wait for a while. Stay tuned!