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UPDATE (2008-03-25):

After getting back from a vacation, Raymond said that he didn't censor my posts. They were "eaten" by an overzealous comment filtering system. I apologize for accusing him of censorship — sorry Raymond!

He also said he was sorry that I found those drag'n'drop articles boring and asked "How much more boring can you get than scroll bars!" — easy, just keep writing about COM! ;)

I have edited the article below to correct it, but guess what — Vista still sucks even after SP1.

Yeah right, I am talking about that Raymond Chen — the famous one who wrote a book. The one who is known for his social skills of a thermonuclear device. The one working at Microsoft as a part of a Windows Shell team. Oh, and by the way, Microsoft Windows Vista still sucks.

I have already commented on his post in which he introduced those pre-emptive Igor Levicki comments.

I explained myself there, but he obviously took my Windows Vista comment personally as if he was the one responsible for all of its suckyness.

Then his overzealous blog software censored some of my (in its opinion overly) critical comments, and Raymond continued adding pre-emptive Igor Levicki comments to his posts (clarification: those posts were most likely in the posting queue when he left so most likely he didn't do it on purpose). I asked him to stop posting them if he intends to continue censoring my replies and I even announced I would rather censor myself by not posting comments anymore, but there was no response other than yet another post with pre-emptive Igor Levicki comment.

Of course, some commenters were glad to see me go, particulary anonymous cowards — people who do not use their real name and do not leave their contact info.

The only person with a name and an URL who was glad to see me go was Dean Harding. In order to avoid replying to him via Raymond's blog I visited his site but couldn't find any contact information. One who doesn't want to receive feedback from others most likely believes he know everything best so I will skip arguing with him. Lets just say Dean, that I am more proud to be compared with Norman Diamond than I would be if someone compared me with your sorry ass.

As for Raymond, I will let him have it his way — he can keep posting those pre-emptive Igor Levicki comments for as long as he likes. In my opinion he is just showing that he cannot accept criticism and convert it into actual code improvement — instead he is getting it personally. Fortunately there are others who aren't like him — KC Lemson, Michael Kaplan, Larry Osterman, Kevin Frei... thumbs up to you folks, keep up the good work!

Finally, I will repeat those famous words you have all been waiting for, which you can also hear on Mr. Raymond Chen's blog... WINDOWS VISTA SUCKS!

But perhaps he is disgruntled and he really means it so he is just hiding behind my name from Microsoft's HR/legal department? Oh whatever, don't forget to have a nice day! That is if you aren't bored to death by those drag'n'drop posts (Clarification: they aren't actually that boring, and you can actually learn a lot from Mr. Chen despite his famous thermonuclear social skills).

Oh, and if some of you decide to contact me to discuss this post — remember that validating your email and clicking on a hyperlink in the message you receive once is enough. There is no need to do it three times — be patient instead, because I do not sleep in my Inbox and chances are high that you and I live in a different time zone.