Last Checkin Chicken
Published on 2008/02/28 by Igor Levicki
Raymond Chen blogs about a game called Last Checkin Chicken Microsoft developers play just before product release to manufacturing.
If you follow his blog on a regular basis you know he hates nitpickers. He used to have a Nitpicker's corner, and later he switched to a more subtle variation of the same thing. However, he still sometimes includes so called Pre-emptive snarky comments in which he anticipates the inevitable off-topic rant inspired (sometimes loosely) by what he's written.
I wouldn't otherwise mention this particular post, because it doesn't spark my interest, but one of the pre-emptive snarky comments targets me and it says:
Pre-emptive Igor Levicki comment: "Windows Vista sucks."
It all started here when someone who calls himself Nawak asked the others to please stop the Vista bashing because he tried it and "yes, it felt slower than XP but not slow enough to deserve what it got".
With me being in a rant mood, and with his faulty reasoning that it is acceptable for "new and improved" to be worse than the old thing I just couldn't resist responding.
As you can see, Raymond was annoyed by my comment so he twisted it to make me look bad. I wasn't bashing the host (him), I wasn't bashing Microsoft either, just the product which deserved bashing. Judging by his comment one may also think that I always post off-topic comments on his blog which is simply untrue.
I am not sure whether he likes me or hates me, but he surely isn't indifferent and I like that. What I don't like is that I will have to write some new content now that he has diverted some of his traffic to my website :)